Insights & Tips

Real Estate Agents in Hero Capes
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Agent Amnesia – Why Clients Forget Their Real Estate Heroes

Agent Amnesia – Why Clients Forget Their Real Estate Heroes – Did you know that 90% of buyers intend to stick with the same real estate agent for future transactions? And 75% of sellers plan to do the same. So why do only 14% actually CALL their previous real estate agent?

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Image of a Calendar flipping pages captioning Breath there's time.
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Seize Your Moment Now!

While you can certainly try to generate leads on your own, it’s important to consider the potential time and energy you might spend on trial and error. By enlisting the help of a professional copywriter, you can benefit from their expertise in writing and designing compelling content that resonates with your audience, ultimately saving you time, energy, and aggravation and getting the results you want.

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Video of house in shopping cart
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Adapting Your Presentation for Every Client

Adapting Your Presentation for Every Client – Do you customize your buyer’s presentation to suit different audiences? Do you have specific presentations for first-time homebuyers, investors, Veterans, or renters?

Would it be helpful to have a presentation for each type of buyer?

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Purely Decorative
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The Heartfelt Impact of Personalized Client Connections

The Heartfelt Impact of Personalized Client Connections. Could your clients be suffering from social marketing overload? This could be the perfect time to adjust your strategy for reaching past clients. Consider the advantages of personalized outreach, including sending handwritten notes, greeting cards, or personalized texts.

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