Are Overlooked Contacts Costing You Money?

Who are your most overlooked contacts? People have their hands raised


Are Overlooked Contacts Costing You Money? Are you aware you may be overlooking a valuable segment of contacts you have already connected with?

It’s not the “now” clients. It’s likely you’re aware of these “now” clients who are ready to sign up for your course, purchase a house, or use your services. They’ve risen from the prospects category to current clients due to their active involvement in your business.

Are you overlooking your past contacts? It IS easy to lose sight of them, especially when they’re not currently in the picture and you’re focused on generating your “now” clients and contacts.

And as important as it is to keep yourself “top of mind” with your past clients and contacts by setting up reminders to touch base with them periodically using emails, newsletters, and phone calls in your CRM, those still aren’t your most overlooked contacts.

You may be successful with your Lead Generation, capturing the attention of new contacts and asking them to contact you. You probably spend a lot of time and money reaching out to these potential future clients. However, these prospects aren’t the most overlooked.

Are Overlooked Contacts Costing You Money?

Who is receiving the least of your attention? Your most overlooked clients, whose potential impact on your business is significant, are your “almost ready” clients.

These individuals express interest with statements like, “I’m just browsing. Perhaps I’ll make a choice in a few weeks or months. I’m not ready to start yet. It might even be a year from now.” They contemplate using your services but not immediately. Their timelines range from three to twelve months or more. We often find these “almost ready” clients frustrating because they hesitate to take immediate action. We certainly would like them to commit right away, yet they’re not. We often put them on the back burner and shift our focus to our current and dedicated future clients.

We tell ourselves, “They won’t act for three to six months. It’s not worth investing so much effort in someone who isn’t ready to proceed – or may not at all.”

What if they Change their Minds?

However, what happens when these “almost ready” clients, who originally gave us a timeline of three, six, or nine months, suddenly decide to accelerate their plans? And suddenly transitioned into “I’m READY NOW” clients sooner than expected, reaching out to whoever maintained consistent communication. If you’re not that contact, you’ve just missed their business.

Typically, contacts and clients who say they’ll take action in six months tend to act at least 25-35% sooner. Therefore, if you haven’t kept these sidelined clients in your focus, they might engage another person.

Even if you’ve planned to reconnect with them two months before their expected readiness, that two-month buffer might prove too late.

Don’t blame them for changing their timeline. Human nature dictates that once a seed is planted, it often grows to quicker action than anticipated. Someone “considering” a service might start engaging in activities like browsing the internet or checking out Facebook/LinkedIn posts. Suddenly, they wake up one day and decide, “I’m calling someone today!”

How to Stay in Contact with These “Almost Ready” Contacts.

Your “almost ready” clients are important and hold immense value. They could transition into an “I’m READY” client at any moment. It’s crucial to stay top of mind, seizing the business they offer.

Create a list of your “almost ready” clients and reconnect with them. Keep them updated on market trends and information they could use to make a decision. You might discover a significant amount of untapped income waiting to be seized.

Have you thought about how you could constantly stay in contact with your any of your contacts, especially your “Almost Ready” contacts? If you would like to have a few ideas on how to be there when they are READY, let’s set up a FREE 30-minute Coffee Chat. We’ll discuss how you can easily stay in touch with your “almost ready” contacts, keeping you on top of their mind when they’re ready to make a decision.

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