Discover the Power of Personal Touch: Nurturing Client Relationships. If you’ve been busy over the last few months or aren’t motivated to reach out to your clients – don’t worry. It’s never too late to let them know you have been thinking of them.
If you’re waiting for an appointment or between showings, send them a quick text message to see how they are doing. Don’t start offering your services; that’s a bit forward if you haven’t contacted them for months or years. Just a quick “Hi! Have just been thinking about you and wondered how you are doing!”
Short, sweet, and an opening for them to reach out to you.
Other Ways You Can Reach Out
If you’re sitting in front of your computer, send them a quick email in your CRM and add a reminder on your calendar to reach out to them again. This doesn’t have to be a lengthy email; it’s better if it’s not. It only needs to say, “Hi (name), just thinking of you and wondering how you were doing.”
You may add a quick quip about their family, kids, or pets. (One great idea is to subscribe to your local paper, watch the school news, and make notes in the email about their activities. WIN!) Again, mark the next touch point on your CRM/calendar.
Buy a stack of blank cards and handwrite five cards daily, mailing them to your database. Easy peasy and you can also write these out while waiting on appointments, first thing in the morning or right before you leave for the night. A handwritten short note will get noticed; if it is a cute or memorable front, it may end up on their refrigerator. WIN!
The most personalized connection is to reach out for a short phone call. We rarely call anymore; it’s either text, messenger, Facebook post, or email. You won’t be an imposition, and remember to keep it short. Be sure to leave a message if they don’t answer – making sure you tell them who’s calling.
If you’re unsure what to say in any of these instances, write a script and keep it handy when texting, emailing, handwriting a card, or making a phone call. A guideline of what to say or write will make a massive difference in your confidence.
Once you have started making first connections with your past clients, mark your calendar for your next touch and what that next touch will be.
The Secret is the Follow Up
The focus is to reach out to your past clients and contacts, even if it’s been a while since you have seen or sent them anything. It is the easiest way to generate future referrals and leads, making getting business easier.
If you’re unsure how to do this, don’t have time, or aren’t motivated to create a “Re-connect Campaign,” schedule a FREE 30-minute chat, and I can give you pointers on how to get started.