Getting “Out There” in 2024

Getting “Out There” in 2024. I was brainstorming marketing ideas recently with one of my clients, who is a real estate agent in Iowa, about what they could do in 2024 to “get out there” and how they can get better responses on Facebook and their social media.

Many of these suggestions were out of their comfort zone, but here are some ideas I gave them:

  • Take your phone out and take videos! (or pictures)
  • What can you take videos of? Here are a few ideas:
  • Your area’s scenic sites – city parks, parks, and trails
  • Local activities, festivities, and restaurants
  • If you’re showing a house, take a quick video of the outside and say a few quick things about it. (Be careful when taking images of the interior – you don’t want to overstep the owner’s privacy.)
  • Interview some lenders, insurance agents, and home inspectors – these may need to be a bit longer, and if you do them on Zoom, you can always downsize into clips and segments.
  • If you’re thinking about “farming” a particular area, take several clips explaining how great that area is to live in.
  • And speaking about “farming”, show off your hobbies. My client also raises sheep and had several lambs. Now, who wouldn’t want to see baby lambs? If you paint or do other artwork, show that off. You’re not all business, show off your personal side!

One thing you do not want to do is to have your social media just showing off listings – yours or other agents. It’s a huge turn-off because your contacts and clients don’t want to be sold on their Social Media – they want to be entertained and get to know you.

Have  FUN with it and enjoy!

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