Snail Mail & Post Cards

Postcards and mailers are a cost-effective way to connect with existing clients and customers. You don’t have to keep introducing yourself – they know you and what you do. You can instead focus on your special message.
Incorporating postcards into your marketing strategy for an efficient advertising approach will offer an additional source to your lead-generation series – a savvy and budget-friendly way to connect with your clients so they will keep you top of mind and use YOU when they are ready.
Take a look at a few of the postcards I’ve created and mailed out. Afterward, let’s have a chat over a cup of coffee (or your preferred beverage)!

Benefits of Sending Snail Mail
- Most businesses think snail mail and postcards are Blaise and old-fashioned, so they are not sending them out – but you are!
- You can advertise “under the radar,” so your competition doesn’t see what you’re sending out like they can on social media.
- Postcards are affordable to send out
- You can target neighborhoods and Farming areas and you can “re-target” your areas, too.
- Postcards are easy to track based on the number sent out and the response you receive.
- Postcards can be used in many campaigns like announcements, a sale, or to drive traffic to your website.
- Postcards have to be touched and handled which means they are SEEN
- Can be used to increase traffic to your website or social media
- They can also build excitement for your Business
Here's how I can help you:
📫 Create Snail Mail and Postcard Marketing Campaigns and Lead Generation
📧 Cards and letters: There are great card companies to design and mail your customers and clients an occasional card.
🪄 Client Database: Has your database gotten a little wild and wooly? I can help you tame it, making it a valuable tool.
❗Innovative Ideas: I’d love to brainstorm ideas with you!
Ready to "Bild a Better Business"?
Let's discuss a strategy that distinguishes and helps you succeed!!
Let's Have Coffee And I'll Buy!!