Insights & Tips

Sample Image of Front Page of Buyer Presentation
Design Ideas

Building Client Trust through an Effective Buyer’s Presentation

Building Client Trust through an Effective Buyer’s Presentation – “In real estate, change is constant. While death and taxes remain certainties, navigating the evolving landscape of our industry demands adaptability. Embracing this reality, here’s how you can seamlessly integrate the new Buyer Agreement into your business practices:

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What’s In Your CRM?
Design Ideas

What’s In Your CRM?

What’s In Your CRM? Better yet, what contact system do you have in place? An Excel sheet? Perhaps post-its tacked to your computer? Do you suffer from a stack of notes, napkins, or scribbled listing sheets? There is a better way to keep track of your clients and systems.

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Getting Out There in 2024
Design Ideas

Getting “Out There” in 2024

Getting “Out There” in 2024. I was brainstorming marketing ideas recently with one of my clients, who is a real estate agent in Iowa, about what they could do in 2024 to “get out there” and how they can get better responses on Facebook and their social media.

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What IS the Best Way to Generate Leads?
Facebook Tips

What IS the Best Way to Generate Leads?

What IS the Best Way to Generate Leads? I follow many real estate sites, and once in a while, they offer tips and tricks to get business. For example, today I received a blog from the “The Top 6 Real Estate Lead Generation Companies for 2022”.

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